Khám phá cùng eWorkee


2 giờ trước



  1. The filter screen is dirty

  2. Air conditioner is missing or out of gas

  3. The outdoor unit compressor is damaged

  4. Circuit board, capacitor is broken

  5. Electrical overload

  6. The air conditioner is running out of water

  7. Incorrect setting of cooling air conditioner

  8. Air-conditioner block is not running

  9. The air conditioner is installed in the wrong position

  10. Air conditioning capacity is not enough


  1. The filter screen is dirty

The air conditioner must suck and push the air through the air-conditioner screen, but the failure to regularly clean the air-conditioner makes the screen dirty, the power consumption is higher than usual.

It causes a lot of noise and has higher power consumption but the cooling effect is not good.

  1. Air conditioner is missing or out of gas

Air conditioner used for a long time has run out of gas or improperly installed in the correct technique makes the gas pipeline leak, making the amount of gas insufficient to cool the air.

Expression of the air conditioner running out of gas:

Snow is on the small pipe valve for the indoor unit.

Low operating current.

The air conditioner will shut down or report an error.

When your air conditioner has the above problems, you should contact a reputable service center for assistance. You should check the air conditioner periodically every 3 months.

  1. The outdoor unit compressor is damaged

The compressor is a very important device for the air conditioner, if the compressor fails, the air conditioner will still operate but the air blowing out from the air conditioner is not cool.

Damaged compressors have many causes: loss of cable power, faulty wiring, ...

You are not allowed to change the whole compressor yourself, to avoid waste. You need to see a professional repairer to fix it.

  1. Circuit board, capacitor is broken

Your air-conditioner will become a normal fan when "Circuit board, self-power is broken".


Air conditioning overloaded.

Air conditioning is continuously maintained at too low a level (<20 C).

  1. Electrical overload

Demand for people to use increases in hot summers. An unstable, weak power source causes the compressor to heat up, and has poor cooling capacity or stops working.

To meet your needs for cooling, you should use an extra voltage stabilizer to stabilize the power supply.

  1. The air conditioner is running out of water

The air conditioner runs out for a long time, there will be a layer of moss sticking to the drain pipe, blocking the pipe so the cooling capacity of the machine is significantly reduced.

Contact the maintenance-cleaning unit immediately to fix it promptly.

  1. Incorrect setting of cooling air conditioner             

One of the reasons why your home air conditioner is not cool. This may stem from the fact that you press the wrong button to function: fan, heater, ...

  1. Air-conditioner block is not running

Blocking the air conditioner not running makes the air conditioner not cool. reason:

The compressor has no power supply: Because the control board is open circuit or the contactor is not closed.

The thermic machine protects the compressor: Because the capacitor is damaged, the outdoor unit is damaged, the compressor motor is poor.             

  1. The air conditioner is installed in the wrong position

Install the indoor unit facing the wind direction.

If you install the indoor unit facing the wind direction, the wind dissipates the air conditioner vapor, causing the air conditioner to work with more capacity to provide enough coolness. Ideally, install the air conditioner perpendicular to the wind direction.

Install the air conditioner in the corner of the hot wall.

This installation case is very popular because it saves a lot of space, but this causes the air conditioner to run at over capacity to cool the wall first and then to air in the room.

You should choose a more suitable installation location.

  1. Air conditioning capacity is not enough

Power sources, construction materials, room area, and number of users also influence the capacity of air-conditioning.

In order for the air conditioner to work efficiently and to cool the air well, you should choose the air conditioner that is suitable for the room size and the number of users.

Hope the above notes can help you to more easily use the air conditioner.



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